Horoscope Today: March 20, 2023

20 Mar 2023
See what the stars have in store for your sign Daily-Horoscope-1920×1080

But, you can have it all, Aries! You can have a life that’s emotionally, spiritually, creatively *and* financially satisfying. You just have to trust in your ability to create that kind of magnificence for yourself and know that the mysterious forces will meet you halfway. Overheard at the cosmic conference: the new moon in your sign is going to unlock the portal of prosperity for you, beautiful! Your ability to feel it all is your greatest flex, Libra. Welcome what your inner landscape is revealing to you as an opportunity to transmute the old wounds and rewrite the script. A reminder from the mysterious forces: joy is your natural state of being. The question isn’t ‘are you good at it?’ The question is ‘are you having fun with it?’ This is the perfect time to pour your energy into a new hobby or interest – something that’s been on your mind for a while now. As you do, break up with the idea of perfection and give yourself the permission to ‘wing it’ as you go along.

Aries Horoscope Today: March 20, 2023


But, you can have it all, Aries! You can have a life that’s emotionally, spiritually, creatively *and* financially satisfying. You just have to trust in your ability to create that kind of magnificence for yourself and know that the mysterious forces will meet you halfway. Overheard at the cosmic conference: the new moon in your sign is going to unlock the portal of prosperity for you, beautiful!

Cosmic tip: You can have it all.

Taurus Horoscope Today: March 20, 2023


Like the rams, you’re being reminded that you can have it all, Aries! That you can create a life that looks and feels as good on the inside as it does on the outside. That you can create a life that is emotionally, spiritually, creatively and financially satisfying. It’s time to work through the self-negating beliefs that are showing up right now. It’s time to call in the support of your spirit team and make space for the blessings that have always been yours. 

Cosmic tip: Work through the self-negating beliefs that are showing up right now.

Gemini Horoscope Today: March 20, 2023


We get it, Gemini. You want answers and you want them now. But, the way to clarity is through the clouds of confusion. So breathe. Allow yourself to see, feel and taste things differently. Remember, we’re constantly evolving and that’s the most beautiful part of this human experience. When it comes to your interpersonal relationships, you may have a hard time trusting certain people you never thought you’d doubt, and that’s okay. What you need to know about them and your dynamic will reveal itself in due course of time. 

Cosmic tip: Sometimes, the way to clarity is through the clouds of confusion.

Cancer Horoscope Today: March 20, 2023


The question isn’t ‘are you good at it?’ The question is ‘are you having fun with it?’ This is the perfect time to pour your energy into a new hobby or interest - something that’s been on your mind for a while now. As you do, break up with the idea of perfection and give yourself the permission to ‘wing it’ as you go along. On the professional front, a new offer of sorts may come your way. Alternatively, you may feel inspired to invest in a pet project. If thinking about it brings a smile to your face, know that you’re on the right track, Cancer.

Cosmic tip: Have fun with it. That’s all!

Leo Horoscope Today: March 20, 2023

Uh-oh, Leo! What if you’re the toxic person in this relationship? What if you are projecting your insecurities onto them? Do yourself a favour and take a good look in the mirror. Become aware of the old wounds that are causing you to act out in a certain manner. The good thing is, you always have the chance to make amends. Overheard at the cosmic conference: why wait until tomorrow?

Cosmic tip: ‘Awareness’ is the magic word.

Virgo Horoscope Today: March 20, 2023


This week, you’re showing up for life with that big goals energy! You know you’re here to slay and you know that you have the strength and resilience required to make your way to the top. Spirit is working with and through you, now and in every moment, and that’s your greatest flex, Virgo. As such, the opportunity to network with and/or sync your forces with certain influential people may come around. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, beautiful!

Cosmic tip: Spirit is working with and through you, and that’s your greatest flex, Virgo

Libra Horoscope Today: March 20, 2023


Your ability to feel it all is your greatest flex, Libra. Welcome what your inner landscape is revealing to you as an opportunity to transmute the old wounds and rewrite the script. A reminder from the mysterious forces: joy is your natural state of being, beautiful. When it comes to matters of the heart, you’re being called to follow your intuition. It’s true that life doesn’t come with guarantee cards. That shouldn’t stop you from savouring the sweetness that is being poured into your chalice.

Cosmic tip: Open yourself to all the good the Universe has to offer.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: March 20, 2023


It’s okay to ask yourself what you’re getting out of this. It’s okay to prioritise your needs in this equation. It’s okay to say ‘no’ or to take a step back if you’re feeling depleted. Understanding your boundaries is something you’re being asked to focus on at this moment! When it comes to matters of the heart, some of you may be feeling a sense of disappointment. A good question to ask yourself right now is whether they’re unavailable to you or simply unable to express their affection towards you in a way that you desire. Understanding that everybody’s love language is different will help you flow together in a harmonious manner.

Cosmic tip: Understanding your boundaries is something you’re being asked to focus on at this moment!

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: March 20, 2023


Reality is for rookies. Today, you’re in the mood to discover what lies beyond the veil, read the language of the stars, communicate with your spirit guides, set your intentions for the year ahead, harness the magic of your favourite crystals, pull oracle cards as a way to receive cosmic guidance, connect with coven and raise the collective consciousness. What you’re being reminded of at this moment: The Great Mystery reveals itself to those who are willing to move beyond the confines of the logical mind.

Cosmic tip: You’re in the mood to have your third eye lit.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: March 20, 2023


"Where is everybody going to and what's the rush, anyway?" The end of Pisces season *and* the astrological new year sees you sitting pretty in your garden, your favourite book in one hand and a glass of rosé in the other. You're tired of living somebody else’s dream or pretending like being a part of the rat race is the only thing that matters. But, there is always a period of transition between the old and the new. So, let your disenchantment fuel your inward journey. Take time to ponder upon what it is that you want to create in the coming year and how you want to bring more joy, beauty, song and dance into this world. Something tells us you’re closer than ever to discovering your calling!

Cosmic tip: Pass the rosé, will you?

Aquarius Horoscope Today: March 20, 2023


Just a reminder, Aquarius: you’re here to play. You’re here to have fun. You’re here to experience the physical experience in all of its colours. You’re here to remember that you are but Spirit dancing the dance of life in human form. So, breathe out the stress, the worries, the insecurities and the fears. Breathe in joy, love, creativity and power. As always, remind yourself that the magic you’re seeking awaits you outside your comfort zone!

Cosmic tip: Breathe in joy, love, creativity and power. 

Pisces Horoscope Today: March 20, 2023

But, what fills *your* cup, Pisces? What awakens the song of your soul and reminds you that joy is your true nature? Here’s some of the ways in which you could show up for yourself today: 1. Go for a walk in the wilderness. 2. Attend a gallery opening. 3. Join a poetry circle. 4. Listen to a wellness podcast. 5. Sign up for an aerial yoga or dance workshop. 6. Cook yourself a wholesome meal. 7. Tend to your kitchen garden. 8. Make your own lotions and potions. 9. Hone your magic!

Cosmic tip: There are so many ways to fill your own cup *and* turn that frown upside down.

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