Further details around Tina Turner's cause of death revealed

26 May 2023
Tina Turner

The world is mourning the loss of rock legend Tina Turner who died earlier this week at the age of 83.

The singer's publicist Bernard Doherty said her death came after a long illness, and had robbed the world of "a music legend and a role model".

Now, her representatives have added her death has been attributed to natural causes, per The Independent.

Turner died at her home in Switzerland.

Following the news, tributes came pouring in for the star, while fans gathered in crowds the world over.

Outside her Swiss home, people laid flowers and set out candles.

One message, nestled among the bouquets, read: "You're simply the best."   

READ MORE | Flowers, candles outside Tina Turner's Swiss home as fans pay tribute: 'You're simply the best'



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