Wilgenhof report exposes secrets of two residence rooms in fine detail

12 days ago

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Age-old traditions and dark secrets held in two rooms at the Wilgenhof men's residence at Stellenbosch University have been exposed in fine detail in a report by a panel tasked with investigating its contents. (Graphic by News24, Images supplied)

Age-old traditions and dark secrets held in two rooms at the Wilgenhof men's residence at Stellenbosch University (SU) have been exposed in fine detail in a report by a panel tasked with investigating its contents.

One of the rooms, known as Hool 88, was used by Wilgenhof's unofficial disciplinary committee, the so-called "Nagligte", to conduct their disciplinary activities at night while the "Toe Argief" (TA) or closed archive contained "a trove of Wilgenhof records and memorabilia, including Nagligte costumes, shoes and paraphernalia".

Hool 88 was opened for the first time on 9 January and the TA on 12 January.

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