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Prega Govender

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A report by a panel appointed to investigate the contents of two secret rooms at Stellenbosch University concluded the ritual by the Nagligte (unofficial disciplinary committee) invoked symbols and practices associated with white supremacy. (Image by News24, Pictures supplied)

A former Stellenbosch University student, still traumatised by past initiation practices at the Wilgenhof men's residence, has welcomed a recommendation to permanently close it - however, an association representing Wilgenhoffers says "it is a serious mistake".

Wilgenhof - Figure 3
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On Wednesday, the rectorate announced it had unanimously accepted a recommendation of a panel that Wilgenhof should be closed.

The panel was appointed to investigate the contents of two secret rooms that included Hool 88 or "punishment room" where discipline was unofficially meted out by members of the infamous Nagligte, an unofficial disciplinary committee of Wilgenhof.

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