Shocking Discoveries at Stellenbosch University Men's Residence ...

25 Jan 2024

Shocking discoveries were made at Wilgenhof, the oldest men’s residence at Stellenbosch University, during a surprise audit conducted by the university’s management. The auditors uncovered two secret rooms that contained disturbing items. Among the findings were crude drawings depicting what appeared to be male sexual assault, black hoods, and an alarming mixture of linseed oil and aloe crystals allegedly used to induce acute diarrhea.

Wilgenhof - Figure 1
Photo NNN

The discovery also revealed an ‘indemnity form’ signed in 2023, granting a private company owned by former Wilgenhof students the authority to conduct ‘boot-camp style exercise programs’ that could potentially result in injuries and even death.

According to a statement released by Stellenbosch University, the nature and context of these rooms and their contents are still being investigated to fully understand their significance.

Wilgenhof, known as the university’s oldest men’s residence, has come under scrutiny for these appalling discoveries. The university management has vowed to take appropriate action once all the facts are gathered.

News24 obtained more than 30 photographs taken during the audit, which provide further evidence of the disturbing items found at Wilgenhof. The university’s swift action in conducting the surprise audit demonstrates their commitment to maintaining a safe and conducive environment for students.

Wilgenhof - Figure 2
Photo NNN

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