Cosatu, DA welcome Derby's Transnet exit, want more heads to roll

3 Oct 2023

Transnet announced Derby’s resignation last week, which will only come into effect at the end of October.

Transnet - Figure 1
Photo Eyewitness News

Portia Derby. Picture: Aurecon Group.

CAPE TOWN - Trade unions and opposition parties welcomed Transnet CEO Portia Derby’s resignation but want more heads to roll at the struggling SOE.

Trade union federation Cosatu said that the problems plaguing the troubled parastatal required more accountability than just the resignation of one person.

The Democratic Alliance (DA), meanwhile, said that the blame lay squarely with Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan, calling for him to also step down.

Transnet announced Derby’s resignation last week, which will only come into effect at the end of October.

Cosatu spokesperson, Matthew Parks, said that they welcomed her departure but called for more resignations at other struggling Transnet divisions.

"We welcome the resignation. We think it needs to go a bit further also to deal with the issue of Transnet Freight Rail, which is really at the heart of the crisis."

DA public enterprises spokesperson, Ghaleb Cachalia, said Minister Pravin Gordhan should also vacate his position.

"Actually, the minister needs to go. Under his aegis, every single SOE has failed."

He said Parliament had an obligation to step in and fill the leadership vacuum at Transnet before the entity sent the economy "over the cliff".

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