ANC's Didiza guaranteed to be Speaker, but EFF still nominates ...

14 days ago

Cyril Ramaphosa is set to once again lead the country as agreed in terms of the deal struck between the ANC, the DA and the IFP, who will work together in a Government of National Unity.

Thoko Didiza - Figure 1
Photo George Herald

Journalist Ilse Schoonraad | Friday, 14 June 2024, 12:59

Thoko Didiza Photo: Facebook

NATIONAL NEWS - The new speaker of the National Assembly will be elected shortly after 14:00 as the house has been suspended for lunch.There are two nominees, Thoko Didiza, the former Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and the EFF’s Veronica Mente, the National Chairperson of the EFF.

It is rumoured that Didiza will be elected as speaker in terms of a deal reached by the ANC and DA and that the DA’s Annelie Lotriet will be elected as deputy speaker.

Ramaphosa for president

The president will be elected after the election of the speaker and deputy speaker, but it is widely assumed and reported that Cyril Ramaphosa will once again lead the country as agreed in terms of the deal struck between the ANC, the DA and the IFP, who are set to work together in a Government of National Unity.  The first sitting of the 7th national assembly started at 10:00 this morning, but the EFF arrived late with the party’s leader, Julius Malema only walking in after his name was called for him to come forward to take the oath as MP.The MK’s would-be MPs, with 58 seats in parliament, are not attending the proceedings.  

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