SABC financials on positive trajectory: Chairperson - SABC News ...

24 days ago

Board Chairperson Khathu Ramukumba says the SABC is on a positive trajectory.

In the financial year 2022/23 the public broadcaster reported a net loss of R1.3 billion, R949-million more than the previous financial year.

SABC - Figure 1
Photo SABC News

The SABC is expected to table its financials in Parliament next month.

Speaking to SABC News following the public broadcasters AGM this morning, Ramukumba says the entity has significantly reduced its net loss.

“One can say with confidence that we’ve got good news, both on the side of performance, performance has significantly improved. We are not where we are supposed to be and where we would like to be but we are happy with the progress we have made. Also in terms of losses, we have significantly improved those losses but more still needs to be done.”

Yesterday, Ramukumba touched on rumours of retrenchments at the public broadcaster.

“There is no such. I can categorically state that the board has never engaged in such conversations and I do not believe that the progress we have made in the last 15 months, this board working with management and all its staff members of the SABC, we are in a situation where we can talk about retrenchments, business rescue. We are not there. And our commitment to the SABC employees and stakeholders, including viewers and the listeners of SABC, is that we are committed to make the SABC work.”


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