NASGB calls for removal of Pretoria High School for Girls' principal ...

31 Jul 2024

The General Secretary of the National Association of School Governing Bodies (NASGB), Matakanye Matakanye has called for the immediate removal of the principal at the Pretoria High School for Girls.

Pretoria High School for Girls - Figure 1
Photo SABC News

This comes after the Gauteng Education MEC, Matome Chiloane announced on Tuesday that the principal had been suspended for three months pending the finalisation of the investigation into racism allegations at the school.

Twelve learners are facing disciplinary action for messages shared in a WhatsApp group with alleged racist content.

Matakanye says the principal’s inaction to deal with complaints of racism by black learners shows a refusal to accept the new South Africa.

“When it comes to the principal we feel that she should not come back anymore. She must be fired because we learnt that this principal has been knowing this thing for the last two years and she has done nothing. Now I think that she’s not really fit to manage our schools because if she’s still practicing this animal called racism, it’s not good for the new South Africa. So I think she must just go.”

Suspensions are harsh

Diversity specialist Teresa Oakley-Smith says the Gauteng Education Department has acted hastily regarding the suspensions of the learners and the principal.

Oakley-Smith says immediately suspending people without having done a thorough investigation is not a good principle.

“Before we rush in with an immediate reaction and suspend right, left and centre, let us do a thorough investigation to really understand. It would make far more sense to do a very thorough investigation with people who actually understand diversity, equity and inclusion.”

“Then on the basis of that, prepare an ongoing intervention which might include workshops, mentoring and coaching, which might include sessions of different kinds of discrimination. These should be monitored and evaluated as they go along,” Oakley-Smith adds.

PODCAST : Interview with Oakley-Smith on SA fm’s First Take on Pretoria High School for Girls debacle:

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