Former EFF Student Leader Mpho Morolane Joins MK Party After ...

14 days ago
Mpho Morolane

By: Buhle Mbhele

Former EFF Student Command President Mpho Morolane has joined the MK Party on the same day he resigned from the EFF.

He submitted his resignation letter on Wednesday morning.

This, of course, raises eyebrows, prompting the question: Is Morolane leaving the EFF because he now opposes the party’s stance?

It has been just over two weeks since one of the founding members of the EFF, who also served as the Deputy President, Floyd Shivambu, left the party for the MKP.

Gagasi FM News earlier reported that rumours suggest Morolane may be following Shivambu to the MKP.

Shivambu, who is now the National Organiser of the MKP, welcomed Morolane via X, saying, “You’ve always been on the side of the people.”

Author Phakeme Mnguni

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