PSL assistant referee Moeketsi Molelekoa tragically dies in car ...

21 Jan 2023

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Moeketsi Molelekoa (Gallo Images)

Moeketsi Molelekoa (Gallo Images)

Premier Soccer League (PSL) assistant referee Moeketsi Molelekoa has tragically died, the South African Football Association (SAFA) revealed on Saturday morning.

According to the statement released by the SA's leading football body, Molelekoa lost his life in car accident on Friday evening.

SAFA statement:

The South African Football Association (SAFA) is deeply saddened by the news of FIFA Assistant Referee Max Molelekoa’s passing.

SAFA Head of Referees, Abdul Ebrahim confirmed the news and said Molelekoa passed away after a car accident on Friday (20 January 2023) night.

Our deepest sympathy goes out to his family at this difficult time.

The refereeing fraternity in South Africa is saddened by this loss. May his soul rest in peace.

Details of his funeral service and other related activities will be conveyed in due course. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, loved ones and friends.

Meanwhile, DStv Premiership matches taking place over the weekend will observe a moment of silence in honour of the prolific match official, the PSL confirmed on Saturday.

PSL statement:

The Premier Soccer League (PSL) is saddened by the passing of PSL match official, Moeketsi Molelekoa.

The League sends heartfelt condolences to the Molelekoa family, SAFA, and the football fraternity at large.

The PSL will observe a moment of silence in his honour ahead of this weekend’s DStv Premiership, DStv Diski Challenge, and Motsepe Foundation Championship fixtures. May his soul repose peacefully.

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