Microsoft probes Teams, Outlook outage as thousands of users ...

25 Jan 2023

Some Microsoft services failed to function on Wednesday morning.

Some Microsoft services failed to function on Wednesday morning.

Sheldon Cooper/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty I

Microsoft Corp said on Wednesday it was investigating an issue impacting multiple services including Teams and Outlook, with outage reports saying the platforms were down for thousands of users globally.

Microsoft did not disclose the number of users affected by the disruption, but data from outage tracking website Downdetector showed more than 3 900 incidents in India and over 900 in Japan. Outage reports also spiked in Australia, Britain and the United Arab Emirates.

The Downdetector site tracks outages by collating status reports from sources including user-submitted errors on its platform.

During the outage, most users were unable to exchange messages, join calls or use any features of the Team application. Many users took to Twitter to share updates about the service disruption, with #MicrosoftTeams trending as a hashtag on the social media site.

Microsoft Teams, used by more than 280 million people globally, forms an integral part of daily operations for businesses and schools, which use the service to make calls, schedule meetings and organize their workflow.

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