ActionSA Welcomes the Appointment of Justice Mandisa Maya as ...

26 Jul 2024
Mandisa Maya

ActionSA is pleased to extend its heartfelt congratulations to Justice Mandisa Maya on her historic appointment as the first female to hold this esteemed position. This milestone is not only a significant personal achievement for Justice Maya but also a landmark moment for our judicial system and our nation’s ongoing commitment to gender equality and the empowerment of women in all spheres of society.

Justice Mandisa Maya’s appointment represents a breakthrough in the traditionally male-dominated judiciary, serving as a beacon of progress and inspiration to women across South Africa. Her exemplary career, marked by dedication, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to justice, sets a powerful example for aspiring female legal professionals. ActionSA believes that her presence on the bench will contribute significantly to a more balanced and representative judiciary, enhancing the perspectives and insights that shape our legal landscape.

This historic appointment aligns seamlessly with ActionSA’s core values of equality, fairness, and justice for all. We have consistently advocated for the inclusion and advancement of women in leadership roles, recognising that diverse representation strengthens our institutions and enriches our democratic processes. Justice Mandisa Maya’s elevation to the zenith of our judicial system reaffirms our belief in the importance of gender diversity and the positive impact it has on decision-making and societal progress.

We are confident that Justice Mandisa Maya will bring her vast legal expertise, profound understanding of the law, and compassionate approach to her new role. Her track record of delivering judgements that uphold the principles of justice and fairness is commendable, and we trust that she will continue to serve with distinction, ensuring that the rule of law prevails and that the rights of all South Africans are protected.

As we celebrate this momentous occasion, ActionSA calls upon all sectors of society to support and champion the advancement of women in all areas of public and private life. The appointment of the first female Justice is a reminder that progress is possible and that we must continue to strive for a society where merit and opportunity are accessible to all, regardless of gender.

We look forward to working with Justice Maya on the JSC to ensure we find and appoint the best possible jurists to the bench to ensure that our judiciary upholds the Constitution and all its provisions and maintains its integrity by eschewing any political overreach.

ActionSA once again congratulates Justice Mandisa Maya on her historic appointment. We look forward to her contributions to our judiciary and the lasting impact she will undoubtedly make in shaping a more just and equitable South Africa.

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