What Your July 2023 Horoscope Has In Store For Your Zodiac Sign ...

1 Jul 2023

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Happy summer, Aries! The full moon in Capricorn on the 3rd highlights the balance between relaxation and hard work. While it can be so tempting to stay at home curled up with the latest Colleen Hoover book, you must put in hours at work to afford the luxuries you want this summer. There will be no fabulous Italian vacation if you don’t make the money to afford it, ya feel?

July - Figure 1
Photo Women's Health

Venus, the planet of love, is bringing some spicy energy to your chart, so make sure you RSVP yes to all of those summer pool bashes and barbecues. New opportunities and connections abound! And when Venus goes retrograde on the 22nd, it will weed out any negative influences in your life...and clean up any energetic boundaries that need tending.

Finally, on the 17th, when the new moon in Cancer brings back that cozy, stay-at-home energy. This is a perfect time to invite the gang over for a sweet, restorative night in. Embrace where you’re at, avoid burnout, and enjoy the journey!

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This month, the full moon is bringing to light your desire to learn more through study and, of course, adventure. The full moon's energy is strongest on the 3rd, making it a great time for expansive experiences that broaden your worldview. Maybe you check out a new art installation downtown or finally watch that documentary you’ve had in your queue forever. Perhaps you take a trip, near or far. Whatever gets out of your head and into the larger world is recommended as you do some energetic cleansing.

July - Figure 2
Photo Women's Health

Later, when the new moon in Cancer happens on the 17th, you’ll be ready to turn these musings into practical actions for your day-to-day life, particularly in the workplace. How can you take what you’ve learned and apply it to your career or your coworker relationships? These are important questions to answer this month, Taurus!

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This month starts off at a fast pace, Gem, so get ready! The full moon in Capricorn on the 3rd illuminates intimacy and your finances. If you’ve been struggling in either of these areas—maybe you’re reaching for the credit card a little too often or feeling stuck in expressing your emotions—it’s time to reassess. What’s blocking you from responsibly spending and, importantly, from sharing what's on your heart?

This will become clear as Mercury, which rules communication, and your sign of Gemini both enter Leo. Expect quick and important changes to your ideas about money, career, and even where you live. Before you panic, though, the new moon in Cancer on the 17th brings everything back into sharp focus. Trust that you'll know what your next steps are and be ready to act on them once fiery Leo season begins on the 22nd.

July - Figure 3
Photo Women's Health

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Happy birthday, my little crabs! As your birthday month ramps up, the full moon in Capricorn shines a big ole spotlight on the partnerships in your life, Cancer. Suddenly, you'll see who is truly there to support you and who is there to ride your coattails when things are good. This is an important time to clear space in your life that will add an extra boost of self-expression for your next turn around the sun.

That main character energy only intensifies with the new moon in your sign on the 17th, marking your personal new year. Break out the vision boards, and get clear on what you want for the next year of life. If you put it out there, it may just come true!

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Leo, you are to quote Queen Bey, "feeling yourself" this month, which should be no surprise as your season is right around the corner! If you have a couple of outfits gathering dust in the back of your closet, now is the time to bust them out and allow yourself to be the center of attention (your fave!).

July - Figure 4
Photo Women's Health

But when it comes to work this month, you feel stuck. You crave recognition and maybe a nice promotion, but you feel like a fly on the wall that no one is noticing. Keep your head down and your work strong, and your chance for ascension will come sooner than you think.

On the 17th, the new moon in Cancer encourages you to retreat and take some time for yourself before all the big birthday festivities begin. This is the perfect time to reflect on all the good, bad, and ugly from your last year and see what you might be calling in for the next turn around the sun. And remember, Mars, the planet of action, is in your sign for the first 10 days of the month, lighting some extra fire under your already fiery booty!

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As the weather warms, so does your love life—thanks in no small part to the full moon in Capricorn on the 3rd. Of course, any Virgo understands the importance of crushing it at work, but time to yourself is also productive. Life is about give and take, and there is no more necessary balance than between your work and play. Take time to relax—maybe with a romantic interest or just with your besties—and rejuvenate this month. No work calls or emails, allowed! You won't just survive; you'll thrive.

July - Figure 5
Photo Women's Health

And while your career may feel a little stale right now, it’s important to stay focused on continuing to develop your skill set so when the right opportunity comes, you’re ready.

When the sun moves into Leo on the 22nd, it marks 30 days until Virgo season. This could bring some introspective vibes as you prepare for the next year of life. Take some time alone to journal, meditate, or do whatever it is that helps you return to yourself and your goals!

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When was the last time you slowed down and truly allowed yourself to take a break, Libra? If this question finds you scratching your head, the full moon in Capricorn on the 3rd brings the perfect opportunity to recenter and luxuriate. Book a spa day or a getaway out of the city where you can spend time in nature. This will force you to focus on quality time and the present moment rather than having your head buried in emails and worrying about your to-do list.

July - Figure 6
Photo Women's Health

The new moon in Cancer on the 17th will bring a renewed sense of passion into your life when it comes to your career and reputation. Are you acting in a way that is in line with your life goals? If not, this is the time to make a change! As the sun enters Leo on the 22nd, the universe is reminding you to get back out there with social activities and networking events. This will be a busy month, but if you listen to your intuition, you’ll make the most of it!

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This month is full of opportunities for you, Scorpio, especially when it comes to work. The full moon in hardworking Capricorn on the 3rd is in a part of your chart that encourages communication, especially in everyday life. So, take your headphones out the next time your stroll around the neighborhood, and stay open to any new connections or conversations that may come your way. You never know what could lead to your next career milestone and a chance to shine!

July - Figure 7
Photo Women's Health

On the 17th, the new moon in Cancer heightens this career energy, allowing you time to slow down and figure out next steps. Do you need to refresh your LinkedIn or social media so you can make a splash? If so, take action when the sun enters Leo in (where else?) your career sector. The icing on top of the cake? Your ruling planet of Mars is also in your career house, making this an extra impactful month for you. All you have to do is seize the opportunity!

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On the 3rd, the full moon shines a bright light on your wallet and overall finances. Are you spending the money (which you work hard for, btw) frivolously? If so, this month’s Capricorn full moon energy will knock some sense and budgeting back into you, just in time for the July 4th weekend. Avoid temptations, like unnecessarily long bar tabs or overpriced appetizers, but still enjoy yourself.

July - Figure 8
Photo Women's Health

The new moon in Cancer on the 17th brings up feelings around give and take, especially around your relationships, both platonic and romantic. Are you putting a ton of energy into your friends—buying them gifts and dinners and showering them with compliments—but getting zilch in return? It may be time to put this energy elsewhere.

As the Sun enters Leo toward the end of the month, it illuminates your natural house of knowledge, travel, and wisdom. Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, also transits into Leo around this time, creating a cosmic combo that pairs super nicely with your fiery inclinations.

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Happy full moon month, Cap! The full moon is in your sign on the 3rd, bringing a sense of urgency with it. Half of your year has passed...how are those goals going? If you planned to travel to Europe and save $10,000 this year, and your passport is expired, and your bank account is in the double digits, it's time to take action. Use the full moon energy to motivate you to achieve those goals. (You're the GOAT—you've got this!)

July - Figure 9
Photo Women's Health

When Leo season arrives, it brings out your intuitive and introspective side, a.k.a. it's not a bad time to spend a weekend away by yourself. Scan Airbnb for any little getaways where you can be in your own energy, and make strides toward all you are meant to accomplish!

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Aquarius, the universe is basically telling you to take a chill pill this month. Spend some time alone with your own thoughts, dreams, and desires. It’s possible you’ve been so caught up in your daily schedule that you’ve lost a little bit of your lust for life. That’s okay—you just need to recenter.

When the new moon in Cancer arrives on the 17th, you’ll be back on track, preparing for how small changes to your daily routine can lay the groundwork for all of your future success. Maybe you put the $20 you’d spend on coffee every week in your emergency fund or start going to yoga classes after work to destress. These small steps can add up to big changes long term!

July - Figure 10
Photo Women's Health

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It’s time to hit the town, Pisces, especially during the long 4th of July weekend! The full moon in Capricorn is highlighting your house of friendships, bringing new connections and all the best invites into your lap. While you’re out there living it up, notice if you meet someone who may help you achieve some of your creative endeavors. Whether it’s an art installation you’ve been dreaming up or the concept for a new book, you may just run into someone who can help bring it to life.

On the 17th, the new moon in Cancer ignites your house of dating and romance, so hello, summer loving! Get out there, flirt a little, and don’t be afraid to take risks. This energy, combined with Venus, the planet of love, entering Leo makes for a potentially steamy July for you.

July - Figure 11
Photo Women's Health
July - Figure 12
Photo Women's Health
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