T&C Horoscopes: July 1—15


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July 1—15: Aspects on the 1st encourage you to reach out and speak up, and the full Moon of the 3rd is all about taking others’ needs into consideration. The 7th and 9th are times to break through communication barriers, but whatever happens on the 10th, be careful not to be rigid and challenging. Mars’s entrance into Virgo on the 10th brings out your critical side, but the 14th is a healing time, so try to understand and accept compromises.

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July 1—15: Venus in your sign for some time to come is enhancing your charm and magnetism, and when it squares Uranus on the 2nd, you’re likely to rebel against any constrictions. The full Moon in practical Capricorn on the 3rd draws attention to work and accomplishments, and all is smooth sailing until the 10th, when opinions clash. Agreements reached near the 14th will work in your favor.


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July 1—15: The Sun and Mercury light up a highly sociable part of your chart on the 1st, and the full Moon of the 3rd accents pleasures and entertainment. Harmonious connections are especially in focus near the 8th and 9th, although what’s happening on the 10th isn’t a pretty picture, and you should try to stay away from conflict. Once Mars enters your birth sign on the 10th, you’ll be increasingly strong-willed and your plans will prevail.

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July 1—15: You should be able to make some gains professionally near the 1st and 2nd, even if you don’t conform to what others demand. Follow your own star near the 7th and 9th and trust your hunches. Once Mars enters Virgo on the 10th, it’s time to pull in your horns and watch from the sidelines, although Venus in Leo is giving your social and personal life quite a boost.

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July 1—15: New plans—especially around travel—that enter your thoughts around the 1st and 2nd promise to be highly favorable. With the full Moon in Capricorn on the 3rd, your sound thinking will set the right tone. There will be some turbulence near the 9th and 10th, but it won’t throw you off course, and it’s time to get out and about, reach out, and cover new ground near the 14th.


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July 1—15: Collaborative ventures hold real promise near the 1st, and practical decisions and new arrangements are accented near the 3rd. The 7th and9th are positive moments to reach out for support you need, but be ready to remain confident and firm in the face of pressure near the 10th. Mars in Virgo after the 10th may throw you a bit off balance and stir up anxiety, but aspects on the 13th promise to bring reassuring developments.

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July 1—15: Pleasures and upbeat connections are in your stars near the 1st, and with the full Moon in your birth sign on the 3rd, your feelings will make themselves known. Be ready to tune into what others have to say and offer near the8th. Overbearing attitudes seem to be alienating everyone when Mercury opposes Pluto on the 10th, so listen, be reasonable, and reach favorable compromises by the 14th.

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July 1—15: Take advantage of solutions that present themselves on the 1st, dare to be spontaneous on the 2nd, and take some time out for yourself on the3rd. You can tune into some helpful financial options near the 9th, but make an effort to rise to the occasion by the 10th, when your support will be needed. Aspects involving demanding Saturn near the 14th urge you to make highly practical decisions.


July - Figure 6
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July 1—15: Your aspects near the 1st and 2nd are full of promise and good feeling, and the full Moon of the 3rd lights up an important and outgoing part of your solar chart. Allow yourself to be creative and inspired near the 7th and 8th. With aggressive Mars entering Virgo on the 10th, others are going to become more demanding, but your soothing responses will set everything right by the 13th.

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July - Figure 7
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July 1—15: For you, home is where the heart is as the Sun and Mercury conjoin in Cancer on the 1st, but then the full Moon of the 3rd catapults you into the public eye. The 7th and 8th accent solutions and good works, but beware confrontational aspects happening on the 9th and 10th, and try to avoid lighting any fires. By the 13th, calm and good sense will prevail.

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July 1—15: You’re the lucky one who has upbeat Jupiter in your birth sign, and the 1st and 2nd are full of high spirits. The full Moon of the 3rd highlights travel and/or contacts at a distance, and the accent is on contacts and communication on the 7th and 8th. Mars entering Virgo on the 10th puts an increasing accent on your social life, and Saturn in Pisces is about making important plans on the 13th.

July - Figure 9
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July 1—15: Decisions you make near the 1st could result in more security, and the full Moon of the 3rd draws attention to shared property affairs and emotional undercurrents. The period near the 8th is quite brilliant for you, because you’ll be tuned in and making all the right remarks and decisions. Mars entering Virgo stirs up some discordance, and Mercury triggers disputes near the 10th, but all ends on a highly satisfactory note by the 14th.

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July - Figure 11
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