JJ Tabane: I haven't been suspended for ANC and DA GNU ...

3 days ago
JJ Tabane

Tabane also cleared the air on THAT Zuma interview.

Power to Truth host Professor Onkgopotse “JJ” Tabane has rubbished claims he has been suspended by broadcaster eNCA after comments made about the ANC and DA on air.

Tabane was critical of the parties in the early days of Government of National Unity (GNU) coalition talks.

In a clip from the show shared online, Tabane said it was “sad that black parties could not get together and agree that it’s been 30 years, and we don’t have the land, we don’t have the economy, we don’t have anything next to our names, and agree to put something together”.

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“We must talk about these things. The DA hates anything that has to do with transforming this economy so that it can benefit blacks. They want to give black people vouchers. Good luck to the ANC. As Steve Biko said: ‘black man, you’re on your own’,” Tabane added.

WATCH: Some of Tabane’s comments

Dr JJ Tabane spitting facts pic.twitter.com/G9I1yAx4Pj

— Ntshieng (@LeratoNW_) June 14, 2024

The broadcaster announced this week that Tabane’s show would not be on air, leading to suggestions online he had been censored for his comment.

He labelled the claims as “so fake”.

“I am on leave. Please stop the lies. Power to Truth will resume next month.”

He added that rumours of the show’s “demise have been greatly exaggerated”

What happened to THAT Zuma interview?

Questions also still remain over Tabane’s interview with MK Party leader Jacob Zuma just days before last month’s elections.

The interview was promoted online, but it never made it to air.

“The interview cannot be broadcast tonight as it is so close to the elections. For this reason, all current affairs programmes, including Power to Truth, have been cancelled this week,” the broadcaster said.

ALSO READ: No show: Zuma ‘interview with JJ Tabane’ not airing tonight

“eNCA cannot advance the interests of any one political party over another. If the interview was broadcast, all other political parties would need to be given equivalent airtime, which is impossible at this stage.”

Responding to queries this week, Tabane claimed the interview has since been “canned” by the broadcaster.

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