Uzbekistan: 20th Sub-Committee with the EU on Justice, Home ...

24 Jun 2024
Home Affairs

The European Union and Uzbekistan held their twentieth annual Sub-Committee on Justice, Home Affairs, Human Rights and Related Issues in Tashkent on Friday 21 June.

Both sides reviewed developments since their last meeting in this format, including ongoing political and legislative reforms and their implementation. Particular attention was paid to the recommendations made to Uzbekistan following the UN Human Rights Council’s recent Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Uzbekistan’s human rights record. The Uzbekistan side gave detailed presentations of policies and legislation being rolled in response to UPR recommendations, engaging constructively to respond to the EU side’s questions and concerns.

Ahead of Uzbekistan’s parliamentary elections to be held later this year, the EU emphasised the importance of implementing the recommendations made by OSCE-ODIHR following their electoral observation missions to Uzbekistan’s constitutional referendum and presidential election in 2023. The EU welcomed Uzbekistan’s active participation in the EU-funded Rule of Law Programme in Central Asia which is implemented by the Council of Europe.

The EU noted with concern that Uzbekistan’s ranking in the World Press Freedom Index had fallen since the previous year, reflecting a shrinking space for independent journalism in Uzbekistan. The two sides discussed the UPR recommendation to pardon imprisoned journalists, bloggers and activists. The EU expressed concern at the regular use of criminal charges of defamation and libel to suppress free speech.

The two sides also discussed the contribution that a flourishing and independent civil society can make to the reform process and to fighting corruption. The EU called for further steps to be taken to simplify procedures for the registration and operation of NGOs in Uzbekistan, including as regards financing of NGOs from foreign sources.

During their human rights dialogue, the two sides also discussed developments in the penitentiary system, gender equality, the rights of women and of children, non-discrimination, labour rights, and cooperation in multilateral fora on human rights issues. The EU welcomed the progress achieved by Uzbekistan in implementing legislation to criminalise gender-based violence and to support its victims, and also noted further advancement towards the ratification of the UN’s Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT).

During their discussion on Justice and Home Affairs, the two sides reviewed their cooperation in the field of counter-terrorism efforts, border management, and the fight against illegal drugs. There was also a discussion about the fight against corruption and Uzbekistan’s reform of the judicial system. The EU side raised concerns at forced evictions by land developers and demolitions in areas of cultural and historical significance, risking their disappearance.

During the preparation of this Sub-Committee meeting, the EU met representatives of local and international NGOs, EU Member States, as well as other international partners.

The sub-committee was chaired on the Uzbek side by Mr Muzraf Ikramov, the Deputy Minister for Justice, and on the EU side by Mr Dietmar Krissler, Head of Division for Central Asia in the European External Action Service.

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