Maximizing Your Google Business Profile for Customer Lead ...

9 May 2023

Navigate challenges to get the most out of Google Business Profiles and Google Maps

May 8, 2023

Do you have a Google Business Profile? Can people find your building service contractor (BSC) company or your facility using Google Maps? Too often, businesses are missing out on an excellent way to be found online by potential customers that’s both easy and cost-free to implement.

But occasionally, appearing properly on Google can present problems. In this episode of Straight Talk! with ISSA Media Director Jeff Cross, John Clendenning—founder and CEO of Carpet Cleaner Marketing Masters—explains how to navigate challenges with Google Business Profiles and Google Maps for the most success.

“In a transactional sort of environment,” Clendenning says in the interview, “people are looking more so at [Google] maps more than anywhere else, because it’s the new yellow pages.”

Learn how you can get the most out of Google Business Profile and Google Maps by watching or listening to the latest episode of Straight Talk! below!

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Straight Talk Google Maps

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Maximizing Your Google Business Profile for Customer Lead Generation

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