Lunar Eclipse October 2023 and its effect on various zodiac signs

27 Oct 2023
Full Moon october 2023

The last

lunar eclipse

of the year 2023 will take place on Saturday, October 28, 2023, on the full moon date of Kartik month. According to Indian time, the lunar eclipse will start at 1.22 am midnight on 28

October 2023

and the moksha period of the lunar eclipse will end at around 2.22 am midnight. This eclipse can be seen in most parts of India.
This lunar eclipse will occur on Aries and Ashwini Nakshatra.

This lunar eclipse will have auspicious and inauspicious effects on all

zodiac signs

This lunar eclipse is going to happen in Aries. Natives of Aries zodiac sign will feel the negative vibrations of this eclipse. You will feel a lack of patience in your behaviour, due to which you will be hasty in nature and there will be a possibility of making silly mistakes. You will need to postpone the decision of new investment and implementation of new plan for some time. There will be a possibility of old health related problems reoccurring.

This lunar eclipse will have negative effects for the natives of Taurus zodiac sign. You will try to avoid your given responsibilities. You will work considering your responsibilities as a burden. There will be an increase in your unexpected expenses, you may also be afraid of unexpected loss of money. Due to which the financial aspect will remain somewhat weak. But you will get benefits from your foreign contacts. Due to the effect of this lunar eclipse, you may also become a victim of some conspiracy, hence you will need to stay safe from your opponents.

This lunar eclipse will be mixed affects on Gemini natives. There will be a possibility of getting some new responsibilities in the office. There will be peace in the mind due to opening of some new sources of income. But there will also be a situation for the emergence of your old diseases. Students can plan for higher education. Married couples can expect to hear good news regarding new born child.
This eclipse will bring auspicious results for native of Cancer zodiac sign. Your patience will increase. Employed people can expect restoration of their stuck promotions in their jobs. If you are applying for a new job then this would be a good time. But you will need to avoid unnecessary disputes with senior officials. Health of parents will be fine.
This time will be auspicious for the native of Leo zodiac sign. Patience will increase in your mind. You will be successful in concentrating on your work. You will benefit from your foreign contacts. You can plan religious trips with your family members. You may plan to enrol for higher education in a good educational institution. Your spiritual strength will increase.
This lunar eclipse will give some negative results for Virgo natives. Your patience will decrease. You will find yourself in a state of confusion, which will reduce your self-confidence. There will be a situation of your ongoing projects getting closed without any reason. You will also suffer from some unknown fear. There will be a situation of increasing differences with your spouse. You will need to avoid driving fast. If you are planning a far trip, you will need to postpone your travel decision for a few days.
This lunar eclipse will have mixed effects for the natives of Libra zodiac sign. There will be a situation of sudden stoppage of your ongoing project. If you are planning to make a new investment in your business, you will need to postpone your decision for a few days. There is also a possibility of some discord with your spouse, which will reduce harmony in the family. Lovebirds will need to postpone the decision of marriage for a few days. There will be a need to take care of your spouse's health.
This lunar eclipse will give mixed effects for the natives of Scorpio zodiac. Your unexpected expenses will increase. During this time you are advised to avoid taking new loans. There will be some mental anxiety due to delay in promotion in job. Your ideological opponents will increase, but you will be able to control them. There will be hope of getting treatment for your old diseases. There will be a need to avoid getting into any dispute with your spouse.
This lunar eclipse will give auspicious effects for the natives of Sagittarius zodiac sign. The married couple can hear the news of the arrival of the new baby. You can plan to enrol in seminars or short-term courses to gain work related knowledge. Students will be able to perform well in their education. Lovebirds will need to avoid unnecessary arguments at any point. During this time, you will need to avoid speculation or risky investments.
This lunar eclipse will have negative effects for the native of Capricorn. You will feel lack of patience, due to which you will not be able to concentrate on your work. Your confidence will decrease. You will be unable to concentrate your mind, which will reduce your efficiency and there is a possibility that the pace and success of the current project will be disrupted. If you are planning to invest in movable and immovable property, then you will need to postpone your decision for a few days.
This lunar eclipse will be auspicious for the native of Aquarius zodiac sign. Your patience will increase. You will be successful in concentrating on your work. You will plans to migrate to some other place. You can plan short work related trips. Your professional network will increase. The ongoing disputes between brothers and sisters will reduce.
There will be mixed results for the native of Pisces. There will be an increase in your unnecessary expenses, which will lead to imbalance in your financial situation. You will need to control the way you communicate. You will need to think twice before speaking. You will be successful in resolving issues related to your children. During this time, you will be busy in celebrations in your family. You will also be able to taste different types of delicious food of your choice.
Prohibited activities during lunar eclipse:
1. There will be a need to avoid sleeping during the eclipse, only the elderly, sick people and infants are not guilty of sleeping during the eclipse.
2. Both cooking and eating food during eclipse is inauspicious, but unwell people can consume medicines.
3. One should not purchase vehicles or land on the eclipse day. Starting any kind of auspicious work is prohibited during the eclipse day.
4. Touching the idol of God and worshiping it is also prohibited during the eclipse period. It is prohibited to touch the things related to worship during the eclipse period.
5. Watering and touching the Tulsi plant is prohibited.
6. Pregnant women should avoid leaving the house.
7. Pregnant women should not keep any kind of sharp object with them.
Ways to avoid the inauspicious effects of solar eclipse:
1. Donate wheat, jaggery, copper or ghee in any temple or to a Brahmin deity.
2. Feed bread with butter to black dogs.
3. Offer water to Sun.
4. You should recite Aditya Hridaya Stotra.
5. Feed green fodder to cow.
6. Feed grains to birds.
7. Stay away from meat and alcohol and keep your conduct pure.
8. Recite Shri Hanuman Chalisa or Sunderkand mentally
9. Offer water or milk to Lord Shiva.

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