EU's former border chief turned far-right MEP wants to be France's ...

3 days ago

Is Macron too toxic to win France’s snap election?

Even his allies don’t want the French president’s face on their posters or his voice on the radio.

France - Figure 1

Jun 12 7 mins read

A Meloni-Le Pen super group? Not so fast.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is keeping her options open ahead of EU election.

May 28 6 mins read

France - Figure 2

France’s National Rally won’t sit with Alternative for Germany in EU Parliament

The French far-right party did not specify what this means for its future in the ID group in the EU Parliament.

France - Figure 3

May 21 3 mins read

Macron, Le Maire feud flares up amid France’s fiscal woes

The French president is agitated by his finance minister’s calls for drastic spending cuts ahead of the European election, where his centrists are likely to face a drubbing.

France - Figure 4

Apr 11 6 mins read

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