FNB's service commitment earns it recognition as “Best in Dispute ...

3 Jan 2024

Banking customers today demand more than just financial services; they require their bank to be a reliable and trustworthy financial partner that not only helps them achieve their objectives, but also takes their concerns seriously and provides swift and fair resolutions to their queries and disputes. FNB has distinguished itself as just such a trusted financial partner thanks to its dedication to customer-centric service and swift and transparent dispute resolution. In 2023, the  organisation was recognised for its commitment to Fair Customer Treatment, scooping the award for Best in Dispute Resolution at the 2023 Ombudsman for Banking Services Awards.

FNB - Figure 1
Photo News24

FNB CEO Jacques Celliers says that this prestigious award is a testament to the commitment to providing service excellence and resolving customer disputes fairly and promptly. “Consistently outstanding service and issue resolution are foundational principles across FNB, not isolated departments,” he explained, “and they are two of the cornerstones on which we have built our reputation as a highly trusted financial partner."

The criteria for the Ombudsman's award were stringent, assessing fairness, quality, and promptness in dispute resolution. FNB's performance was notable, not only in how it handled disputes but also in its strategic approach to customer service. These efforts have resulted in reducing the average time to close dispute cases by four days, significantly outperforming the industry average.

FNB's success in service and dispute resolution is not a standalone achievement but the result of a comprehensive strategy that leverages technology and human expertise. Key to this strategy is the integration of various customer service channels, including the Secure Chat feature on the FNB App, the bank's contact centre, local branches, and relationship banking channels. This orchestrated effort ensures that customer queries are managed with efficiency and clarity.

Importantly, FNB’s ambition goes beyond mere dispute resolution; it aims to be a reliable partner for customers throughout their financial journeys. This is embodied in the brand's foundational principle of "How can we help you?" The Ombudsman's report in support of the award highlights the practical aspects of this commitment and demonstrates that FNB is not just paying lip service to the concept of helpfulness, but actively living it.

Looking forward, FNB's resolve to innovate and enhance its service delivery remains unwavering. Celliers emphasises the continuous pursuit of service that exceeds customer expectations through its platform-based approach. “FNB’s pledge of helpfulness is rooted in our solid reputation for trust, reliability, and an unyielding commitment to service excellence,” he says, “and as 2024 progresses, we will continue to show that 'help' is much more than a slogan - it's a commitment to every customer we have the privilege of serving.”

This post and content is sponsored, written and produced by FNB.

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