Party-hopper Bongani Baloyi the latest political leader to join Jacob ...

10 days ago

Xiluva leader Bongani Baloyi was welcomed by a group of uMkhonto Wesizwe (MK) party supporters from its Johannesburg region. They gathered, singing and dancing, outside the Gauteng Young Women’s Christian Association hall.

Bongani Baloyi - Figure 1
Photo Daily Maverick

In stark contrast with his days in the DA and ActionSA, Baloyi walked into the hall singing the infamous “wenzeni uZuma” – which is usually sung by staunch supporters of former president Jacob Zuma. 

Speaking during  a media briefing on Thursday, Baloyi said MK stands for the same principles as Xiluva, so it is fitting that he joins Zuma’s party. 

Read more: MK’s erratic decisions and lack of structures could cost it dearly, say analysts

He previously endorsed the MK party’s assertion to abolish the Constitution as the supreme law of the land and replace it with parliamentary supremacy. 

He also said he believed in political organisations that put the needs of  black people first. 

“The time for fragmentation is over. We tried to contest elections but did not succeed. People endorsed and appreciated what uMkhonto is doing because there was a need [for the party]. So, when we looked at uMkhonto we saw ourselves,” said Baloyi. 

He lamented Xiluva’s poor showing at the 2024 polls, adding that he was “devastated” by the result. 

Xiluva only managed to obtain 3,767 votes nationally. 

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Baloyi then announced that he and other Xiluva leaders would be joining the MK party, and encouraged its members to do the same. 

This is Baloyi’s fourth party switch over a short time, but he says he had valid reasons for leaving each one. The DA’s black caucus was left adrift when its former leader, Mmusi Maimane, left the party. Regarding ActionSA, he said the party was against his suggestion that they work with the ANC, although they recently changed their tune.

Read more: Former DA Midvaal Mayor Bongani Baloyi finds new political home in ActionSA

Baloyi joined ActionSA following his resignation from the DA on 20 December 2021, after serving two terms. After a fallout with ActionSA leader Herman Mashaba he decided to form Xiluva.

His announcement comes just a day after EFF founding student command leader Mpho Morolane joined MK. DM

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