National Assembly passes the BELA Bill - SABC News - Breaking ...

16 May 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The National Assembly has passed the Basic Education Laws Bill.

The Bill was passed by the National Council of Provinces on Tuesday, with some changes that were directed back to the Basic Education Committee.

BELA Bill - Figure 1
Photo SABC News

The committee tabled their report to the National Assembly.

Some parties and civil society have been strongly opposed to sections of the Bill, including among others, who set the language policy at schools, regulations around homeschooling and learners being able to access medical treatment without parental consent.

House Chairperson Grace Boroto announced the results of the vote.

“No abstentions,; No, 78; Yes, 223, which means the Bill is passed. The Bill will be sent to president [Cyril Ramaphosa] for assent,” adds Boroto.

Earlier, the NCOP has also formally passed the Marine Pollution Amendment Bill for assent to the president.

One of the objectives of the Bill is to improve existing regulations to better protect the country’s oceans from ship-related pollution.

It also aligns itself with the MARPOL Convention, which sets international standards for preventing pollution from ships.

Chairperson of the Select Committee on Transport, Public Service and Administration, Public Works and Infrastructure Kenneth Mmoiemang explains the significance of adopting the proposed changes.

“This Bill, the Marine Pollution Amendment Bill intends to incorporate the marine pollution annexure 4 and annexure 6. Marine pollution annexure 4 regulates the activities for treatment and safety disposal of sewerage from ships. The marine pollution number six is the main global instrument addresses ship energy efficient management and emissions,” adds Mmoiemang.


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