Former ANC MP Ponani Makhubele resigns to join MKP - Capricorn ...

ANC mp resigns

Former ANC member of parliament, Ponani Makhubele says she has resigned her membership from the ANC to join the Umkhonto We Sizwe Party.

Makhubele, who was a member of the ANC’s Bongi Mabunda branch in Giyani, says the ANC is not what it says it is, while she feels isolated and her life not being safe because there are people working against her.

Earlier this year, Makhubele told Capricorn FM News about her intentions to take the ANC to court for allegedly manipulating the national list and moving her name on the national-to-national list, something she says has been happening for years.

She says she didn’t continue with the court proceedings because it doesn’t seem like the ANC is prepared to go through the renewal processes and there is no accountability.

Makhubele says she chose to join the MK Party because the party speaks the same language as the ANC, as it is all about the liberation of the people and advancing inclusive socio-economic development for South Africa at large.

Ponani Makhubele
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