2024 election: ANC candidate list leaked - POWER 98.7

9 Mar 2024
ANC candidate list 2024

The African National Congress (ANC) says it is concerned about the leakage of its candidate list.

This is after the ruling party submitted the list to the IEC through its online portal, the online nomination system (OCNS) on Friday, ahead of the 2024 elections.

According to the ANC’s spokesperson, Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri: this is an infringement of the POPIA.

“The ANC welcomes the great public interest in the ANC’s collective of candidates who represent the mosaic of South African diversity.

“We have noted with concern that ANC candidate lists that appear to emanate from the IEC online candidate nomination system are now circulating on social media,” Bhengu-Motsiri said.

The party adds that it has contacted the IEC for a possible investigation.

“We have conveyed our concerns to the IEC about this unauthorised release of personal information in potential contravention of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA).

“The ANC supports the IEC in any efforts it may pursue to investigate the unauthorised release and hold anyone responsible to account,” the spokesperson said.

POWER Digital

Author Staff Reporter
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